In the undersea kingdom of Kogama, the world above is plagued by a deadly scourge: the evil Dark Spawn. These tentacled monsters are everywhere, and they're coming for you. It's up to you to hide in the depths and hope they don't find but that's easier said than done. You can try to go above and conquer the surface world, but the Dark Spawn are not to be taken lightly. They're fast and strong and they can smell you from miles away. They can even move through the water itself and appear anywhere at any time. No matter how far under the sea you hide, they'll search for you until they drag you back to their subterranean kingdom. If you're brave enough to let the Squid Game team take you under the sea and battle the Dark Spawn in an epic multiplayer online game campaign.
In this game you have to play as a squid and you have to avoid the other Squid as well as the hunters. Use your arrow keys and the space bar to move. There are two modes, action and survival. In action mode you die after three hits and you start from the beginning. In survival mode, you can die after a hit or you can run out of time.
The Great Oceans hold many dangers for travelers including deadly squids and player must survive in the ocean by avoiding dangers like squids and thieves. The player can explore islands, collect resources and craft various tools to help them survive. The game has two modes - Single Player and Multiplayer. The player can play Single Player mode to get familiar with the game and explore different islands. The player can unlock the Multiplayer mode by finishing all Single Player islands. In Multiplayer mode, the player can play with other players to avoid dangers and craft items in a team-based environment. Playing the game is very simple, tap to move left and right and avoid dangers while looting resources and crafting tools. There are many islands in the Great Oceans, explore them all and complete the game to unlock the final island. Let's play Squid Game now!
WASD or arrow keys = move
Space = jump
Left-click = attack